Sunday 11 August 2019

Jon & Lauren | Ancaster Mill - Ancaster, Ontario | with Simply Wedding Photography

What a beautiful day!  There was no need to obsess over the weather this weekend - it was absolutely perfect for a beautiful wedding at the Ancaster Mill.  Their first look at Sherman Falls was beautiful (minus the fact that I got my vehicle stuck in the mud - badly!) Just my luck!  I would like to send a quick shout out to CAA who rescued my vehicle at Sherman Falls - they were there and had my car out of the mud pit before we were scheduled to leave. We didn't miss a beat!

After their first look we made our way over to the Ancaster Mill where the day never disappoints! Their chapel was the perfect choice for Lauren & Jon to each marry their best friend. The day was sunny, dry and there was a perfect breeze.  We couldn't have ordered better weather for this perfect day.  Congratulations Jon & Lauren!  We wish you all the best as you begin this new chapter of your lives together!


  1. Thank you so much Jacquie and Torie! You girls really are fantastic with what you do and make it all so smooth for your clients! We couldn't be happier! Thank you over and over again!

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